Mark Hope

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Mark Hope Artist Statement

Artist at Large

 Mark Hope Artist Statement and Bio.


I have always been an observer.  I can trace my fascination with observing nature to my very early  exposure to camping with my family. Those camping experiences have given me the opportunity to live through my senses.  I express what my senses encounter through painting. I count myself lucky

 to have a skill that allows such expression.  

   I am an Impressionist oil painter after the 19th century French Impressionists and the Canadian Group of Seven and Tom Thomson.  I explore light, form and colour that nature provides.  My subjects run from traditional landscapes to the less obvious subjects I find in my travels.  I

 am largely self taught.  I also teach beginner and intermediate oil painting.


Visit Perivale Gallery's Facebook Page:

705.210 0290

1320 Perivale Road East,

Spring Bay,

Manitoulin Island, ON

 Open mid-May to mid-September .

We will welcome you to our 44th season on May 16, 2025 as we celebrate the work of so many exceptional & creative Canadian artists! Open online ALL year. Shannon McMullan & her staff look forward to your visit. Embrace the unique!